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On this joyful day, my guest is Julien Marcadé — the CEO and Co-Founder of Mintera. He is a serial entrepreneur, founder of blockchain consulting firm Marcazor Conseil, former Director of the Blockchain Practice at management and technology consulting group Synvance, and a Berkeley University alumni.

Chris: Hello there! What a remarkable project you got! Tell us what Mintera is, please.

Julien: Mintera is an ambitious digital investment firm based out of Paris, France. We develop investment solutions and products based on green digital assets, with a net positive environmental impact. Our goal is to make Mintera the green digital investment bank of the future. To that end, we are launching a range of sustainable investment products based around the Mintera Token, the utility token of our ecosystem. In our journey, we want to onboard a responsible community of like-minded individuals who care about making a positive impact in this world.

Head over to Bitcourier for the full interview: